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Photos by Sam

Inspired by the Sea


“I started Brick Immortar years ago just as a hobby YouTube channel. While still working a 9-5 at that time, I’d also been teaching various workplace safety courses on the side as an OSHA certified instructor & ‘train the trainer.’

This was my true passion at the time... and still is to some degree.

However, I had no idea that employing some of those standards I used for building curriculum in an industrial classroom setting would be so appealing to so many. The channel also allowed me to embrace my love (and sometimes quick-study) of many industrial/engineering common practices like reading prints (schematics), mech/elec troubleshooting, making after-action reports digestible, creating explainers of complex industry specific topics and so on.

BUT - I also grew up around recreational boats and watercraft. As an adult I’m a proud girl-dad and part-time nomad with many of my travels over the years (both for work or pleasure) taking me (or the fam) on or near the sea. I’m drawn to it… as they say. And now I can’t stop pointing a camera at it in my spare time!”


Infrared - Black & White - The Sun and The Sea

“I never really appreciated nice weather, the sunlight and being out in it as much as I have these past few years of my life. Intentionally getting out there nowadays to find and capture interesting photos of what many consider every day life on the sea… is kinda meditative for me. Maritime & Family Time - basically my happy places anymore.

There is so much about the maritime world though that goes unseen and that we take for granted. Logistics & Supply Chain make our civilization physically possible and the way it’s carried out on the sea fascinates me more than just about anything. Capturing the day to day moments (especially involving vessels) from the seaside many would consider mundane is something I truly love.

But, this involves a TON of planning and sunlight.

My Primary Gear is Infrared Converted Panasonic Lumix Cameras and Olympus M. Zuiko Pro Lenses.

Infrared shooting results in some colors that I like personally but aren’t always appropriate for hanging on most walls… I’ll admit. But what the IR converted sensors do to the light and b/w balance is just remarkable. This means my favorite photos have been those I turned black and white in post but over time I’ve also found myself intrigued by reasonable channel swaps into the all-over blues you see featured so much here on the site, along with the occasional color splash green on B&W or even deep colored background silhouettes or objects cast in shadow.

The images you’ll see featured here on the site oftentimes took much planning and are from various places around the globe like the Strait of Dover, Black Sea and most recently, Tampa Bay… amongst others.

I stand by the quality of the items sold here under the Brick Immortar name and have many of them in my home shipped directly to me as samples from our suppliers.

Thanks for stopping by!”


Yes, I purchased and wear my own shirts to ensure quality is up to Brick Immortar standards! -Sam

Gallery Canvas Examples from the Brick Immortar Premium Print Supplier!


Waiting on Egmont Key, looking toward the Skyway.

Got the shot! From Egmont Key looking toward the Sunshine Skyway.